Wonders Without Walls (WWW) by Rev. Gbenga Olowe

NextGen Summit 2024

Wonders Without Walls (WWW) by Rev. Gbenga Olowe


In this message, the concept of walls represents obstacles, limitations, and barriers that hinder us from experiencing the wonders God has prepared for us.

These walls can take many forms — natural limitations, spiritual barriers, or even self-imposed restrictions. However, the God of wonders is more than capable of breaking down these walls.

Text: Joshua 3:5 – “And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”

In this passage, Joshua instructed the Israelites to sanctify and purify themselves in preparation for the wonders God was about to perform.
This purification symbolised a deliberate effort to align themselves with God’s will, removing sin, distractions, and anything that could hinder them from experiencing His power. It underscores the fact that for us to witness wonders, there’s a part we must play — spiritual preparation and consecration.

Understanding “Wonders” in the Bible

The term wonders in the Greek is often translated as “miracles,” “marvels,” or acts that cause amazement beyond human comprehension. Wonders are divine acts that defy human logic and bring glory to God. For these wonders to manifest, barriers (walls) must often be removed.

What Constitutes the Walls to Our Wonders?
  • Nature

Text: 1 Corinthians 11:14b – “Does not even nature itself teach you…?”

Nature itself can present walls to our wonders. These may be natural limitations such as circumstances we are born into, societal norms, or biological constraints. However, God’s wonders often require us to defy these natural barriers.

For instance, nature dictates that hard work produces results. This means we must do our part—putting in effort, honing our skills, and stepping out in faith. When we work against complacency and align with diligence, we open ourselves up for divine intervention.

  • The Power of God

Text: Numbers 22:31 – “Then the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes, and he saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the way with his drawn sword in his hand, and he bowed low and fell facedown.”

God’s power is supreme, and His authority can either facilitate or hinder progress depending on our obedience. In the story of Balaam, God placed an angel in his path to block his disobedience. This shows that sometimes, the barriers we encounter are divine interventions meant to protect us from harm or guide us back to His purpose.

Knowing your purpose is crucial. As the saying goes, “When the purpose of a thing is unknown, abuse is inevitable.” Aligning with God’s purpose ensures that His power works for us, not against us. If we persist in disobedience, we may encounter walls placed by God Himself to redirect our steps.

  • Self

Text: Proverbs 23:7 – “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…”

Our mindset can be the greatest wall to experiencing God’s wonders. Negative thoughts, doubt, fear, and a lack of self-belief can hinder the miraculous. If we constantly think small, live in fear, or focus on our inadequacies, we limit what God can do in and through us.

The Israelites’ journey in the wilderness is a prime example. Though God had promised them the land of Canaan, their lack of faith and constant complaints delayed their entry. They saw themselves as grasshoppers compared to their enemies, and that self-perception became their reality (Numbers 13:33).

To break this wall, we must renew our minds daily through God’s Word and see ourselves as He sees us—capable, victorious, and equipped for every good work.


Overcoming the Walls

To experience wonders without walls, we must:

  1. Sanctify Ourselves – Like Joshua instructed, preparation and consecration are key. This means repentance, prayer, and seeking God’s guidance.
  2. Work Against Natural Barriers – Put in the effort, trust God’s timing, and step out in faith.
  3. Align with God’s Purpose – Obey His instructions and trust His plans, even when they don’t make sense.
  4. Renew Your Mind – Replace doubt and fear with faith and confidence in God’s promises.



Walls may seem insurmountable, but with God, every obstacle can be turned into an opportunity for His glory. The God who parted the Red Sea and brought down the walls of Jericho is the same God who can break down every limitation in our lives. Let us prepare ourselves, trust in His power, and step into the wonders He has for us — without walls.

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